The Friends of Jefferson Animals (known as FOJA) is a 501 c3, nonprofit organization dedicated to animal rescue in Jefferson, Texas and surrounding Marion County. Operated by volunteers and funded through donations, FOJA is the sole provider of rescue for the area and depends heavily upon community support in our
efforts to address the needs of the stray cat/dog population, as well as provide necessary resources and education.

Woofstock Event '24
September 20-21, 2024
Downtown Jefferson, Texas
Woofstock Event invites you to join us in our second annual event celebrating Peace, Love, and Paws. All proceeds will benefit Marion County animal rescue.
Featuring Buddy's Run to the Rescue
5K Run, 1-mile dog walk, and Kid's Fun Run
For more information, please contact us at FOJAWoofstockEvent@gmail.com or BuddysRuntotheRescue@gmail.com. And please follow us on FB at Woofstock Event and Buddy's Run to the Rescue for updates.